Ryzen 7 9800X3D在庫情報はこちら

ThinkPad X1 Carbon and OWC Helios FX eGPU!



Another experiment with Lenovo's ThinkPad X1 Carbon (Gen6).

This laptop has built-in graphics, so if I tried to output to two external 4K displays, the motion would be choppy. I know some would argue that it would be weird to use it this way, but I want to use two 4K displays! So I did an experiment to see how much of a performance difference I could get using an eGPU via Thunderbolt.

I got great results and I feel good about it.

The downside… The notebook is so small, but the eGPU is huge. It is a little bit contradictory.

I use it when I carry it around.

When I use it on my desk, I connect eGPU to it and use it without any worries.

I guess it's like this…

AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D 在庫確認・リンク集 【PR】2024/11/15 発売 AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D の在庫・入荷情報をまとめました。商品ページ(検索ページ)への直リンクです。 Ryzen 7 9800X3D 在庫確認リンク一覧Amaz...

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